“Balkan beats under the Doppel Bock
Multi-instrumentalist Slobodan Trkulja was brilliant with WDR Funkhaus orchestra and his band Balkanopolis at Zollverein”
WAZ Zeitung digital, 12.04. 2016
Bekanntermaßen beginnt der Balkan gleich südlich hinter Wien. In Essen dagegen lag er einen überraschend ausdauernden Abend lang unter dem Doppelbock-Förderturm von Zollverein. Denn dort gab sich Multi-Instrumentalist Slobodan Trkulja mit dem WDR Funkhausorchester und seiner Band „Balkanopolis“ die Ehre. Ein Star in seiner Heimat Serbien, hierzulande augenscheinlich kaum bekannt – und von der balkanesischen Community des Ruhrgebiets (aus welchen Gründen auch immer) nicht wahrgenommen…

“Humanitarian spectacle at Arena: Slobodan Trkulja and Mariza brought the house down”
Telegraf, Serbia, May 16, 2015
Grupa “Balkanopolis”, predvođena muzičarem Slobodanom Trkuljom i prijatelji održali su fenomenalni humanitarni koncert u “Kombank Areni” pred 5.000 ljudi, koji je trajao blizu četiri časa. Pored čuvenog domaćeg benda, mnogobrojnu publiku su pesmom zabavili i fado diva , pevačica iz Libana Majsa Kara, američka džez zvezda Oleta Adams, kao i pevač iz Senegala Baba Mal. Sav prihod od ulaznica biće uplaćen na namenski račun Vlade Republike Srbije za pomoć i obnovu područja koja su pre tačno godinu dana stradala od nezampaćenih poplava…

“Slobodan Trkulja: His Music Unites the Balkans”
Kurir International, Oct 2, 2014
Experts consider him one of the best multi-instrumentalists in Europe and the most beautiful male vocalist on the Balkans. To his audience he is a magician, a self-taught genius who skilfully plays 15 instruments and whose songs carry a timeless message. Urban, yet so faithful to tradition, he connects what at first sight seems incompatible, laying the foundations of modern Balkan music traditions. This spring Slobodan Trkulja has his hands full. He wants to justify the title of “Ambassador of Culture of the City of Novi Sad”, which he recently received from the city’s Mayor Miloš Vučević. The ambition is for Novi Sad to win the prestigious title of European Capital of Culture 2020. Thus Trkulja is preparing an epic spectacle, “Balkanopolis Kingdom”, for summer….

“Creating peace together”
MasterPeace, Holland , Sept 21, 2014
Serbia & Croatia: Slobodan Trkulja & Josipa Lisac
Slobodan Trkulja is an extraordinary talented musician who plays over 15 different instruments such as bagpipes, guitars, mandolins, the piano, whistles, the saxophone, clarinet, flutes, etc. He is also the founder of the modern Balkan music genre. His interest in traditional Balkan music started at a very young age, exploring the sounds on every woodwind instrument he could get his hands on. His sonorous voice and emotional singing leaves audiences in raptures. In 1997 he formed revolutionary and successful music group Balkanopolis…

Premiere of “Music of Constantine’s City”
Blic, Serbia , Sept 14, 2014
Muzičko delo „Muzika Konstantinovog grada“ koje je kreirao Slobodan Trkulja, srpski kompozitor, multiinstrumentalista i vokalni umetnik, premijerno je večeras izvedeno na letnjoj pozornici Niške tvrđave, u okviru državnog programa obeležavanja 1.700 godina od Milanskog edikta. Sa Trkuljom su nastupili članovi muzičkog ansambla „Balkanopolis“ I gudačkog ansambla, kao i Dejvid Rouds, čuveni britanski gitarista iz benda Pitera Gebrijela Ari den Bur-a – „najbolji srpski bubnjar “, Goran Milošević – vokalista sa udaraljkama i Leonid Pilipović – panker sa tamburom…

“Balkanopolis brings Russia to its feet”
Blic, Serbia , Oct 7, 2011
Prvа turnejа Slobodаnа Trkulje i “Bаlkаnopolisа” po Rusiji doživelа je nezаpаmćeni uspeh! Trkuljа je rusku publiku osvojio svojim fаntаstičnim glаsom i mаestrаlnim muzicirаnjem, ali i neposrednim kontаktom sа publikom. Zа nastupe u Petrogradu, Moskvi i Kanti-Mansijsku momci su pripremili specijаlаn progrаm bаzirаn nа pesmаmа koje su snimili u studiju Piterа Gаbrijelа u Velikoj Britаniji. U publici su kаo i uvek bili ljudi svih generаcijа а generаlno uzdržаni Petrograđani su nа nogаmа pevаli sа Trkuljom i skаndirаli ime benda. Isti scenаrio se desio i u drugim grаdovimа…

“Slobodan Trkulja brings Russians to their feet”
Kurir, Serbia , Sept 29, 2011
Muzičari iz bivše Juge često su onomad pravili velike turneje po Sovjetskom Savezu i punili tamošnje dvorane. Dve decenije kasnije Slobodan Trkulja i Balkanopolis oživeli su tu tradiciju nastupajući širom Rusije, od Sankt Peterburga, preko Moskve do Kanti Mansijska. Gradovi su oblepljeni stotinama plakata koji najavljuju gostovanje, kako su ruski mediji istakli, „velike rok atrakcije srpske tradicionalne muzike“. Jednostavno, dočekani su kao prave zvezde. Publika je Trkuljino muziciranje ispraćala ovacijama, a novinare, fascinirane brojem instrumenata na kojima svira, oduševljavala je i njegova neobična frizura. Inače, program se sastoji od numera koje su snimili u studiju Pitera Gejbrijela u Velikoj Britaniji, dok je organizacija koncerata poverena čuvenoj kompaniji „Oasis“. Produkcije se prihvatila firma „Eurošou“, koja radi samo nastupe svetskih faca po Rusiji: Šade, Ramštajna, Eltona Džona i Vitni Hjuston…

“Ensemble Balkanopolis arrives to Russia”
Vesti, Russia , Sept 20, 2011
Черная льняная рубашка, украшенная сербским народным орнаментом, узкие брюки в стиле “Битлз” и панковский хайр. Сценический костюм красавца Слободана Тркули, основателя ансамбля “Балканополис” эклектичен. Эту музыку трудно отнести к какому-то стилю. Они играют сербские народные песни в аранжировках Тркули, некоторые композиции Слободан пишет сам. Иногда в музыке явственно угадывается тяжелый рок.
Некоторые произведения исполняют а капелла. В Сербии принято петь на два или три голоса. Александр Йованович – обладатель изумительного тенора, ученый-теолог, он славит Господа в сербских монастырях. На концертах “Балканополиса” исполняет и духовную музыку, и народные песни. Одна из популярных в Сербии – “Очи черные”…

“Cultural ambassadors of SEE countries”
Vostok, Russia , Sept 18, 2011
Данас су у студију „Гласа Русије“ Јекатерина Галанова, генерални директор компаније „Оазис“ („Оаза“), која ће реализовати врло важан пројекат „Дани културе земаља Југоисточне Европе“. Он почиње данас у Москви. Други гост нас је управо обрадовао свирањем компликованог музичког инструмента, који личи на гајде, то је Слободан Тркуља, српски музичар, руководилац групе „Балканополис“, познате далеко ван граница Србије..

“Serbian Musician dreams about St. Petersburg Philharmonic”
BaltInfo, Russia , Sept 15, 2011
Концерт известной группы «Балканополис» пройдет в России впервые. Музыканты планируют выступить 15 сентября в Петербурге, а затем в Москве и в Ханты-Мансийске. По словам лидера группы мультиинструменталиста Слободана Тркуля, для петербургских зрителей подготовлена специальная программа. Многие знают эту команду по выступлению на «Евровидении» в 2008 году. Тогда победу одержал российский артист Дима Билан, однако и эта группа не осталась незамеченной. У себя на родине она собирает многотысячные стадионы. В своем творчестве «Балканополис» в первую очередь опирается на традиции сербской музыки и византийские песнопения, включая элементы оркестровой музыки, рока и даже панк-рока…

“Slobodan Trkulja and Franz Von Chossy Wow Belgrade Audience”
Balkan Insight, Jan 29, 2010
In a concert at Pozoriste na Terazijama Trkulja played as many instruments he could get his hand on. Accompanying him was Franz von Chossy, young, not yet a superstar, but certainly a musician of high merit. Slobodan Trkulja caught the public eye when he performed the highly symphonic composition Nebo with a big orchestra and an Orthodox monk at the 2008 Beovizija. His grasp of the soul of old Serbia, with its almost Byzantine music style, was matched admirably by his unique singing style and ability to play several instruments many did not believe existed anymore…

“Trkulja and Music with 15 instruments”
SEE Cult (South East Europe Culture), Nov 12, 2008
Trkuljin nastup u Madlenianumu za Srpsku novu godinu bice prvi u serijalu koncerata na kojima ce se cuti srpska moderna tradicija tog mladog pevaca i kompozitora, najavio je Balkanopolis. Trkulja vec godinama osvaja evropsku publiku glasom i svirackim umecem na srpskim tradicionalnim instrumentima, a poznat je po talentu da svira na velikom broju muzickih instrumenata. Pored klarineta i saksofona (na kojem je magistrirao u Amsterdamu), svira i srpske gajde, kavale, frule, razne vrste gitara, flautu, diple i dvojnice, makedonsku tamburu, licku samicu, mandolinu, nezni i melanholicni jermenski duduk, a nisu mu strane ni perkusije i drugi nekonvencijalni instrumenti….

“Balkan Night”
The Scotsman/music (Scotland’s National Newspaper), Jan 24, 2008
WHILE Martin Swann’s Stobo Village Band may have seen themselves as the appetiser for the “meat and potatoes” of this exhilarating night of Balkan sounds, their klezmer-tinged tunes set it up wonderfully. Serbia’s brilliant Balkanopolis, led by composer and multi-instrumental Slobodan Trkulja, were the highlight. Opening with an orthodox prayer song rich in oriental melody, their compelling music was rooted as much in village sounds as jazz and rock. It was easy to appreciate why Trkulja’s “Tradimodern” music is at the forefront of the Serbian-Balkan scene as the group shifted effortlessly between pieces led by strong harmonic voices, goat-skinned bagpipes, wooden flutes, saxophone, clarinet and Armenian duduk. Fast and furiously uneven dance rhythms evoking the lyrical jazz-infused wedding-band music of Bulgaria’s Ivo Papasov were entrancing, with the keyboardist referencing Weather Report and Miles Davis to mention just two seminal influences. This is a tight band forging its own sound, taking the kind of risks that have you on the edge of your seat…

“We all share the same heritage”
The Scotsman/lifestyle (Scotland’s National Newspaper), Jan 21, 2008
As far as music can convey such things, Celtic Connections audiences have the chance to form a more up-to-date picture this week, when the Croatian band Kries and Serbia’s Balkanopolis make their joint UK debut at the festival. Although very different in sound, both groups integrate instrumentation, tunes and songs from the Balkans’ rich melting-pot of musical traditions with wider contemporary influences, including jazz, indie and dance music.
“When I formed the band ten years ago, traditional music wasn’t so popular in Serbia,” says Balkanopolis’s founder and leader Slobodan Trkulja, a celebrated singer who also plays over a dozen instruments, including several varieties of bagpipe, the oboe-like duduk and the kaval, an end-blown wooden flute. “It was seen as peasant music, played by people in villages: big on soul, but without much mainstream reach. As a person who had grown up in the city with rock’n’roll and MTV, but who also loved traditional music, I had these two worlds I needed to connect, and that was the idea behind Balkanopolis – right down to its name.”

“On a Blue Note in Kosovo”
TIME Magazine, May 04, 2007
It was jam night at the Dolce Vita, and at the 5 a.m. the place was still packed. It could have been any jazz joint in the world, but this is Kosovo, the disputed Serbian province where, on most nights, you’re more likely to hear a burst from an assault rifle than a trumpet solo. “I’ve played at crazy places before,” says bassist Sean Connelly, who came all the way from Bronx to play at the North City International Jazz and Blues Festival in the divided city of Mitrovica last weekend. “The crazier it is, the harder they party.” …

“Trkulja is a National Treasure”
De Volkskrant (Netherlands), Jan 24, 2005
Al drie keer achtereen schitterde hij op de Nijmeegse Music Meeting, eerst met de groep Turqumstances, vervolgens in het project Gemengde Noten van de componist Theo Hoek, en daarna met zijn eigen zesmansformatie Balkanópolis. In het laatste half jaar heeft de band zich nog een heel stuk verder ontwikkeld. Trkulja’s passie voor ietwat gedateerde jazzrock, die toen het optreden enigszins ontsierde, raakt steeds meer op de achtergrond ten faveure van speelse dwarsverbanden met diverse Balkantradities.Zo greep Trkulja minder vaak naar de tenorsax, en liet hij vooral de rietfluit, de klarinet en de mini-doedelzak jubelen. Een ballade over een onvergetelijk dorpsmeisje werd verrassend gevolgd door een klaaglijke solo op de Armeense duduk….

“Serbian Genius sets Concertgebow on fire”
NRC Handelsblad (Netherlands), Feb 01, 2002
Ooit waren wij het land van psalmen en orgels, van oliebollen en guldens. Maar Holland wilde méér. In de woorden van Ivo de Wijs, die het lied Waak op Nederland van Alphons Diepenbrock bewerkte tot Hier en Gunter: ‘Holland zeilde de wereld rond/ waar het verre, vreemde volkeren vond.’ Vier eeuwen later zijn alle grenzen vervaagd, de gulden bestaat niet meer, en op elke straathoek van onze multiculturele samenleving kan men nu de exotische geuren, kleuren en geluiden aantreffen die de Oost- en West-Indiëvaarders in de zeventiende eeuw in verre oorden achterlieten. De Wijs: ‘De Irakees en Surinamer/ De Libanees, Afrikaan of de Ier! Zij wonen nu hier, wij spelen samen! Met hun muziek maken wij goede sier.’ …